BSSC 2018 Admit Card Released, Visit to Download…

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) has released admit cards for the first intermediate joint competition exam on its official website Entry for the first Intermediate Combined Competition Examination will be available at Bihar State Staff Selection Commission website.
The examination will be held on 8th, 9th & 10th December.
The Commission has prohibited wearing shoes and soxes in the examination. The shoes and soxes will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.
Only the slippers will be given entry in the examination hall. Apart from this, the examinee can not even take their own pen-pencils. This will be provided in the examination hall. Electronic gadgets are also not permitted to carry. Female candidates do not have to wear jewelery.
Candidates can download their registration number and date of birth and download the entry papers. If the candidate does not know his registration number, then by entering his name, father’s name and date of birth, you can login and download the admission form.
If the candidate’s signature is not clear, then in such situation, the Commission can contact the office and it can be improved by 6th December.
For any kind of information related to the examination, call @ 0612-2227728.
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