Top 5 AI platform

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. In a simple way, we can say that AI is an advanced and very Intelligent version of the computer. It is developed by programmers like humans to think and solve problems. It can take inputs and give an accurate output which is required.

There are top features of AI like Machine Learning, Speech, Voice Recognization, Virtual Assistance, and many more.

AI provides the required facilities to the users which causes work done very fast.  AI tools are used to design and develop many more.

Here are some top AI tools that make your work easier and faster.

Amazon Lex.

AWS, i.e., Amazon Web Service product that provides a conversational interface for software development based on smart neural networks. It automates simple activities in multiple languages. It also features speech Recognization, text-to-speech conversation, and natural language processing facilities. Not only that, but it helps developers to build chatbots or voice bot interfaces that can understand and respond to natural language inputs, such as text or speech, and integrate them into their applications, websites, or messaging platforms easily. The bots may be programmed to respond to certain use cases, such as ordering, customer service, or information retrieval.

Google Cloud Natural Language 

This service is provided by the Google cloud platform, which helps developers to integrate Natural Language Processing (NLP) into their applications. It is a branch of AI, i.e., artificial intelligence which is based on machine learning technology that process and interprets text and data. Natural Language Recognization and natural language generation are the types of natural language processing (NLP). It has the ability to understand the text and spoken as like human beings. Google Cloud Natural Language is frequently used for activities including sorting support tickets based on their content, assessing customer feedback to enhance product offers, and sentiment analysis of social media postings.

IBM Watson

This is an AI-based tool which is designed and developed by IBM. Watson the founder of IBM has used natural languages, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms to analyze and generate insight. This AI works on Watson Assistants, Watson Discovery, Watson Studio, Watson speech-to-text and speech-to-text, and Watson knowledge studio. This AI is used in many sectors, including healthcare, banking, retail, and manufacturing, employ Watson. It is unutilized things like fraud detection, predictive maintenance, and customer service. Watson is now available through IBM’s IBM Cloud service, which makes it simpler for developers to use Watson’s tools and services.

Jasper Art

This is an AI tool that helps us to generate images in different designs. This is also powered by AI technology, which helps us to create unique and watermark-free images, which can be used for social media posts and blogs.  It uses DALL-E 2 system to generate unique and best images, so this is the best image generator AI tool. The DALL-E 2 is a tool that helps to create images and art through text descriptions. Open AI introduces this. Open AI is a research and development company for AI tools.


The full form of ChatGPT Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, which Open AI introduces. It is also a Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI tool. This is a platform that creates tailored interactions between people and robots using machine learning and deep learning algorithms. It gives a proper answer, or we can say it gives the answer as humans, which is designed and developed by AI technology. This type of AI is trained with a vast amount of information from the internet, websites, books, news articles, and many more. This AI can help to write essays, and content, solve problems, debug, design, and write code. Due to its proper answer, it’s becoming very popular day by day.

These are the best AI tools for design and development. AI tools help us in many ways, but it has also had some drawbacks which will impact our lives. If you write content using AI, it can be a drawback for your practices and your blogs because it gives plagiarism and all.

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