Super 30’s Anand Kumar to address students at university of California

University of California had engaged speakers from India in the field of politics, social activism and cultural spheres. Some eminent names has been also spoken here.
But now Super 30’s Anand Kumar to address students at university of California. Mr. Kumar has been invited for virtual session with the University of California. Berkeley students in a bid will boost their morale in the view of COVID-19 pandemic.
The executive vice president of Berkeley India Speaker Shubham parekh extended the invitation to Super 30’s Anand Kumar for virtual sessions issued on Monday. The main objective was to pep up students many of them were facing depression and anxiety.
Mr. Kumar is globally well known for his pioneering qualities. He has the phenomenal success rate of unprivileged sections for India’s highly competitive exams called IIT exams entrance. He faced many challenges in his life. He taught us taught us we should never loose our nerves and be positive. We should never give up. Challenges always come with opportunities. All that is required is to recognize them. These were the thought of Mr. Kumar.
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The super 30 of Mr. Anand Kumar enrolls the children who were the child of taxi drivers, masons, farmers and daily wage people. The candidates are basically from Bihar school examination board. He also taught children of people who were unprivileged and belonged to economically weaker sections of the society.
In USA it has been recorded that due to COVID-19 there has been 830 deaths so far in past 24 hours. Also there has been 80,000 people death and total number infected of COVID-19 is 1,300,000.
In a move to boost the morale of the Berkley students in the wake of unpredicted Corona virus pandemic founder of super 30 Mr. Anand Kumar has been invited to hold a session with the University of California.