Job Generation: Bihar Industry Department Profiles 77k Migrant Workers

Generating employment for the migrant workers returning home is a like facing a challenge. So for that the state government has profiled 77,000 workers till Thursday.
The officials started collecting information about their skills, work experience and kinds of factories they worked previously. It was one of the plan of the State Government plan , the data collection has started few weeks back as a part of the state government’s plan of skill mapping to provide employment to the migrants who are suitable for employment. These migrants who returned home amid following Covid-19 outbreak.
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According to the saying of Industry Minister Mr. Shyam Rajak they are preparing a data base of 77,000 workers also categorizing them sector wise and block wise. They had collected their phone numbers and their address.
The migrant laborers returning home were working in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Punjab, Delhi and Haryana. They were having experienced in various fields like automobile, textile industry, plastic, laying floor tiles, brick soling and machinery. Also a good numbers of workers were carpenters while the other worked in steel industry.
The industry department has started working with the business bodies to encourage them to employ the migrant workers based on their skills and ability. It is done so that employment can be generated. During the lockdown period the state government has the increased the working hours in factories from 8 to 12 hours. It has been done to enhance productivity and boost commercial activity in the economy in lockdown period.
Generation of job in Bihar for migrant workers the honorable Chief Minister of Bihar has given stress on skill mapping in various districts as a way to provide employment to the migrant workers.
There are some indications more incentives to set up more industry in the state of Bihar likewise in other states like Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.